In this extra-long episode we talk with PC Gamer’s executive editor, Tyler Wilde about PC Gaming journalism and reviews. Chad plays Shovel Knight and Deadlight, Bobby gets addicted to Battlefield 4 and they both take on the expansive space MMO, Eve Online. Emilio plays Injustice: Gods Among Us and Two Worlds II.
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Hai guys, EVE player here o/
– 1.0 does exist, there’s a handful of them, especially at newby starter systems and they work like how you described 0.9
– to clarify, lowsec has no CONCORD, but has sentry guns at gates and stations
– 0.0 to (-1.0) is all considered “nullsec” and all works the same, you just see stronger NPC pirates in (-1.0)
– fun fact, ISK is also the currency of Iceland, Icelandic Krona instead of Interstellar Kredit
Tip: o/ or \o is a standard greeting in EVE, it’s a little guy waving his arm. Both slashes, as with \o/ is the little guy celebrating with both arms up 😛
EVE is a VERY social game, the gameplay itself eventually does get a bit flat, but how you interact with other people is where the game is amazing.
And for anyone that wants to I have a link to a 21-day trial here:
And if anyone (including the guys from the podcast :P) wants some help learning the game and some guys to hang out with, find our channel “Help Chat – Reloaded” and find me by the name Xercodo.
Hey Xercodo,
Thank you for the response! I will definitely be adding your channel when I log in tonight!
Xerc, Help Chat – Reloaded gives an error when trying to join.
EVE says it doesn’t exist.
Xercado sent me an invite when I logged in tonight. I’m sure if you message him, he can throw you an invite if you wanted to join the channel.
I enjoyed the podcast, keep up the good work!
Thanks, StraussMonster! We have new podcasts every Monday. If you subscribe to our channel on iTunes, it will be automatically downloaded for your listening pleasure.
About to start listening.
Just wanted to add that EVE’s community has both sides of the coin.
Yes, there are great people that are very friendly and helpful. But there is an equal amount of ‘bad apples’.
The issue is, both of those are good and bad people. Being the person who killed you doesn’t make you a bad person in RL, being friendly doesn’t make you a good person either.
But EVE is mostly (as Xerc said) a community game. You can play it solo, but for most it will become boring and likely you will leave the game because of it. Get into the community, either by joining chats and talk to people or by joining a corporation, make friends (and enemies) and have a great time.
As for being new (either completely new or new to a certain aspect of the game) ASK questions, EVE has been around for over a decade so there is a huge amount of information out there (EVE Online’s official forums even have a specific place for questions and answering: EVE’s New Citizen Q&A Forums (NCQA))
Just 1 small clarification.
Yes, there is a very short list of rules CCP follows:
No breaking EULA or ToS or use exploits.
But new players are protected during their tutorials by seperate rules that protect griefing in the tutorial systems (and any excessive griefing of new players everywhere in EVE).
Yeah, I hear about griefing in Eve, but I haven’t experienced it yet. I’m sure there will come a time when I get suicide ganked, or when I get to lowsec and get owned, but that is part of the experience, right?
You guys mention Battlefield and like I said in one of my older posts that Battlefield and COD are not my kind of games since they are so commercial and the players can get very annoying… so for sanity I stayed away.. well with hardline coming out I was going to buy BF4 since you guys were talking about some of the extra things and some of the maps so It made me want to at lest check it out… until found I could not buy it on Steam, you have to install Origin software and use their shitty store to buy their games… I bought Blood Dragon over a year ago and found that Origin software to be real shitty on the PC… granted that was my last system and it was getting a little dated back then, but still it was shit… and it pissed me off that I had to install yet another DRM subsystem… I already have STEAM and that thing is FULL of DRM so why do I need this shity Origin download? do they think that I will buy their games?? do they track things on my PC? what is so important? I think it was shitty of Steam not to put that out there and I uninstalled those games that require that addon… not that my system can’t take it… just that I fucking hate it… I don’t even like steam but I had to have it since they have such awesome fucking sales… but its getting pretty shitty that some games can require 3 (or more) addons… origin, UPlay, Steam, and don’t for get the hidden add ons like League of Legends shitty download manager that they stopped using but never had the program uninstall it so another company bought up the rights and started using it to spam millions… and everybody who had LoL installed saw drops in their bandwidth so the masses could get spammed… but I digress… I’t about time we take a stand with this shit… they do NOT need these add ons and all they are, is a way to track and sell us shit we don’t need or want… I refuse to buy these games will all this shit added on… Sometimes I’ll even torrent them and the hacked ones run better without all the crapware… imagine that? The people STEALING the game have a better time with it then the PAYING customers do… what a world huh? in short I think its about time Steam stepped in and says NO to these add ons they are a conflict of interest (kid of like buying something at BestBuy and getting Wal-Mart flyers and coupons in the box… its a shit in the eye to them… and Steam is so huge that they can make that rule and who will say no? I mean if you don’t want your game to sell millions then yea… well thats my rant… I’m taking a stand I want my choice in Virtual stores and Steam has always been the lesser of the evils and their sales make up for all the DRM shoved down our throats……… what do you think?
i decided to post this on the group instead maybe Ill have more answers there…