Chi can’t make it this week and Bobby’s just been playing more WoW, but fortunately Mini is still checking out new Metroidvania games and Emilio is revisiting Deep Rock Galactic after some updates. PC Gamer releases their annual top 100 games, Telltale closes and Razer has a new headset.
Warriors Orochi 4, Devil May Cry 5, Dead or Alive 6, Ace Combat 7: Skies Unknown, Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Trilogy, Call of Cthulhu, X4: Foundations (Ghost Niko), N1RV Ann-A: Cyberpunk Bartender Action (Jens)
World of Warcraft, Her Majesty’s SPIFFING, PC Gamer Top 100,
Deep Rock Galactic, Overcooked 2, Portal 2, Dandara, Hollow Knight
Netflix Series Based on Blizzard’s Diablo Confirmed
Telltale Games confirms a ‘majority studio closure,’ only 25 employees remain (ubisoft Tweet)
Twitch has been blocked in China
Fortnite had over 78 million players in August, its biggest month yet
RTX 2080ti