Wrong Rogue
We pick a winner for the cable management reddit contest and DLG has a game night! Worms W.M.D, Tabletop Simulator and Golf It are the big hits. Rey is blown away by Boneworks while Bobby gets into SW:CCG and finishes Black Mesa. Emilio reviews Rogue-likes of the past decade and Games Done Quick kicks off.
DLG Con 2020 House
Inseedious: Emilio’s gourmet salsa.
Gorilla Mind: A cognitive-enhancing supplement that’s great for the gym as well as gaming.
Sundered: Eldritch Edition, Foregone, Not For Broadcast
GTFO,Black Mesa, Hades, Worms W.M.D, Tabletop Simulator, SW:CCG, Games Done Quick, Boneworks, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare
Alienware’s Concept UFO is the mobile gaming revolution we need
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