Bobby upgrades his computer and can finally use Nvidia’s ShadowPlay, as he plays more Full Mojo Rampage and gives Garry’s Mod another shot. Emilio finishes Wolfenstein: The New Order and plays Wasteland 2. Chad starts Shadowrun Returns and finishes Broken Age.
Acne Downstairs

DL Gaming: A PC Gamecast
Acne Downstairs
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AMD GPUs have had all those options for a bit and they work great… I had to mention this since I bleed RED for AMD and its all I buy… I don’t bash the other stuff just prefer AMD…
IN THE graveyard let the zombies kill the leet yards and run so u get out of the fire line and there are hidden power ups… Also shamans use elementals you buy so u can have a ton of allies
I think my last AMD card was dual 4870X2’s in Crossfire so I’m not too familiar with their current software. But I’m glad to hear they have those features too and I’m a big fan of their APUs. One of the best solutions for a home theater PC or small form factor budget gaming rig.
You need to check out the R9 290X it has the same stats or and better as the Nivida Titan for half the cost… I have never had an issue with their Products I’ve been doing computer repairs, upgrades, and custom builds for 20 years and AMD has always been what I buy for myself… Never had to replace an AMD part on my RIG I have had HP build AMD devices in the shop, but I feel like those problems were HPs fault for lack of cooling… but yea I got the 8 core AMD CPU and if you multi task that thing is a beast I game while I am encoding and I wouldn’t even notice that I was encoding videos… anyway I like the show I was listening last night and I missed my exit on the Turnpike and didn’t notice till I was 20 miles out of the way LOL, I wish one of you guys was a AMD gamer but what can you do right?
The 290X is a great card, and AMD did a great job with their R9 295X2. It’s half the price of the Titan Z and equal (if not better) performance. My main reason for sticking with Nvidia used to be 3D. Although AMD cards can do 3D, I think Nvidia did it better and easier. But 3D gaming is dying and now my main reason for sticking with Nvidia is G-Sync. By the time I’m ready to buy a new graphics card, maybe AMD will have come through with FreeSync, but we’ll see. Either way I’m glad AMD is still in the game and I’m sure at some point in the future I’ll be using their cards again (besides the APU).
All I know for sure is: a total AMD system with similar specs as a Intel/nvidia system I built for half the price… That 295×2 is insane and if you want to spend over 1k on a video card you may as well just buy a pro Desktop card but how cool would it be to have something like that? I guess you can crossfire them… just as I was typing that I decided to google it… and I found this holy shit it takes more power to run then my AC… I guess Ill never see something like this…. unless I win the lotto LOL ok man thanks for all the replies any multiplaying events coming up with your listeners?
I’m hoping to get a multiplayer event on the calendar. A few months back we had a small one and it was a lot of fun. We’d just have to find a game that everyone has and that a lot of people could play. Maybe Team Fortress 2, Left 4 Dead 2, Rust, etc… I’ll talk to the guys and see what they think.
Whats the best form to keep up with this kind of thing? (link?) Ill be listening to your new cast on wednesday since I have a long drive then and long drives are so much better with something to listen to… You guys push new pods on Mondays right?
Hey Dustin, great to hear you are liking it. I suppose the best way would be to subscribe through iTunes. Then it would be automatically downloaded on Monday. If you don’t use iTunes, you can always download the casts through our website.
And yes, we push new casts every Monday.
no I dont even have an Apple device I use Podcast addict on Android (the real phone OS) I was asking for like your Facebook, twitter, and steam tags… I’m sure I could dig for them but Im lazy LOL also there will be a rant on your new podcast (just listened to it today) from me… I have an issue I would like to hear your side on, all of you.
Hey Dustin, check out Podcast Republic in the Google Play store. I have an android phone and that app is the best I’ve found to manage podcasts.